Saturday 28 March 2015

Down the Rabbit Hole for the 150th Anniversary

For a university project, we got to chose a comeptiton brief. I decided to chose the Pan Macmillan YCN Student Award Brief, which was to create a new cover and up to two interior illustrations for the classic story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. 

I decided to do this brief as I love book design and illustration, and I really wanted to have a go at bringing this classic tale some new life.

This was the cover design I ended up with & I was really happy with how it turned out.

These were the two interior illustrations (above & below) that I entered, and I really enjoyed working with watercolours and colouring these images.

I also loved these illustrations, especially the one above, but unfortunately I couldn't enter it as it was from the other Alice story, 'Through the Looking Glass'. So instead of wasting it I decided to use it as a quote poster, using one of my favourite quotes from the stories. I was wondering if anybody would be interested in buying them as prints, please leave a comment if you are.

I really enjoyed working on this brief, and it felt good to be able to paint again, as that is definitely something I miss doing and going to start doing much more often.

Let me know what you all think, I would love to hear from you!


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