Friday 27 March 2015

New York, New York!

In February I went to New York on a trip with my university and it was absolutely amazing, I wish we could of stayed longer! Here are some of my favourite photos from the trip which I hope you enjoy, sorry I took so long to upload them but I have been a little busy with a project which I will upload soon, so keep checking back for that. 

I'm hoping to do some illustrations of this trip and maybe sell some prints if anyone is interested, please comment if you are! I'm a student so the money would be a big help - aha!

I've fallen in love with New York at night! One of my favourite moments was watching the sunset on top of the Rockefella Center - if your ever planning on visiting yourself, make sure you go there for some amazing views of the whole of New York!

Let me know what you think, I always love hearing from you all!


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