Monday 3 November 2014

The Start of A New Chapter

Finally going to start posting my work and what I'm doing on this site. I've still got a few things to do to this website & blog but I really want to get started and used to posting again, it's been a while. So to start...

Lauren Victoria Reeves Brand Design

Brought a new Calligraphy set to experiment with different Calligraphy styles. I knew I wanted a handwritten element in my logo, so I though Calligraphy would be a great and decorative way to achieve that look.
I then scanned my favourite's into the computer and created them in Adobe Illustrator. I then played around with shape, layout and added a simple text with the full name 'Lauren Victoria Reeves'.

Then decided to create the header image that is used on this website as well as my Facebook page.

Overall I am so happy how everything turned out. I feel like it shows who I am and what I like.

Thanks for taking a look and I hope you guys like, let me know what you think.


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